How to choose in the Cloud Native Ecosystem ?

29 Aug 2024

By Bruno Bernard

Open source enthusiast from Mauritius Island.

Cloud computing and containerization world goes fast, keeping track and choosing between of all the tools, platforms, and services can be a daunting task. This is where the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Landscape can help you take a decision. Let's explore what it is and why it's an invaluable resource for you and others in the tech industry.

What is the CNCF Landscape?

The CNCF Landscape is a comprehensive visualization of the cloud native ecosystem. It's a map that categorizes and organizes the myriad of projects and commercial products in the cloud native space. From container runtimes to monitoring tools, from service meshes to databases, the CNCF Landscape provides a bird's-eye view of the technologies that make up modern cloud native architectures.

How products/projects get into the landscape ?

Anyone can contribute to the CNCF landscape and CNCF filters and uses a graduated/incubating/sandbox model to organize the projects/products where graduated and incubating means they are considered stable and are used successfully in production environments and sandbox is the place where emerging and innovative technologies comes from.

How is the CNCF Landscape is useful ?

As mentioned earlier, the landscape offers a complete view of the cloud native ecosystem. It helps newcomers understand the breadth of technologies available and allows veterans to stay updated on the latest additions to the field.

CNCF categorizes projects and products, and encourages users and organizations to explore areas they might not have considered before. This can lead to discovering new tools that could potentially solve existing problems or improve current workflows. The landscape presents information without bias, allowing users to make informed decisions based on technical merits rather than marketing influence. For example; whether a certain project on the landscape is committed to vendor neutrality. By observing changes in the landscape over time, one can identify emerging trends in the cloud native space. This can be invaluable for strategic planning and staying ahead of the curve in technology adoption.

How to choose in the cloud native ecosystem ?

The CNCF Landscape is organized into six main layers, each focusing on a different aspect of cloud native technology:

  1. Provisioning
  2. Runtime
  3. Orchestration & Management
  4. App Definition and Development
  5. Observability and Analysis
  6. Platform

Each layer is further divided into specific groups. To choose the right tools:

  1. Identify your needs within each layer
  2. Explore the relevant groups in that layer
  3. Compare tools within those groups
  4. Consider factors like project maturity, community support, and your team's expertise.

For example; A small startup with limited resources can require:

  • Reduced operational overhead
  • Faster setup and time-to-value
  • Built-in updates and maintenance

Compared to a large institution with complex requirements and business needs can require:

  • Full control over data and infrastructure
  • Customization flexibility
  • Cost savings at scale

And this information is available on the CNCF Landscape for you to look into.


The CNCF Landscape is more than just a pretty visualization - it's a powerful tool for understanding, navigating, and leveraging the complex world of cloud native technologies.